Session One Take-Home Tool – Journaling Meditation

Journaling Meditation

Center – Before any meditation practice, always center yourself. It is not possible to enter a meditative state if your system is stressed. So, it is important to take a moment to breathe and become calm. Whether you already feel centered, or feel far from center, always take a moment to breathe. To begin this practice, I invite you to close your eyes and take ten, slow, deep breaths. Allow yourself to deepen with each.

If you are having a difficult day and are unable to center on your own, remember you can return to this week’s video for your Meditation Practice, or even check out one of our Live Meditation Videos on YouTube.

Meditate – According to Eastern Philosophy, the definition of meditation is not stillness. it is a state of observation we call “active listening. The purpose of meditation is to expand our consciousness, to move us from what we know, and have been to what we don’t know and have never been. To make that move, we need information beyond what we have already considered. If we are to grow or evolve, we must move from the place we are now, to a new place of being, a new state of consciousness. To accomplish this, we will ask a question to stimulate the contemplative part of our mind, and then we will try to articulate an idea that we might not have considered before.

Our practice begins with the question, but equally important to the articulate the answer. To achieve growth, we can not just observe, we must articulate. Bring a new thought into language is the fastest way to alter brain function.

As a final note; when we are attempting to conceive new information, that new information might be difficult to describe. If you struggle, please remember this; the harder the answer is to describe, the better it is for your brain. Take your time and give your best description. If you write only a single sentence after twenty minutes of trying to comprehend the sentence, the benefit to your brain is worth hours of traditional educational practices.

The question I would like you to contemplate today is: